Quick Answers

How do you incorporate boxing into counseling?

I use the bilateral movement of boxing to help ground the body, move stubborn sensations, and process stuck memories. If you desire to use this as part of your counseling, we will go through the process and steps together then you can decide if you would like to add it into your therapy.

Is it a workout session?

No. It involves body movement and some exersion but this is not a workout class. However it will require body movement and breathwork, so you do need to inform me of any health concerns. More details are on the disclosure form if you chose to engage with this method.

What research is behind this practice?

There is plenty of research behind the mental health benefits of boxing, the use of somatic work in counseling, and the use of bilateral work, which is the foundation to other trauma-informed evidence-based practices. I can send you a list of articles that informs this practice if you would like.

Do I have to incorporate boxing into my sessions?

No! You are free to decide if you would like to or not. You can also change your mind and we can incorporate the practice in later or stop using it whenever you’d like. There is a discounted rate if you decide to use boxing therapy specifically for the first five sessions but we can discuss that more if you are interested.

Do you accept insurance?

Sort-of. I don’t accept insurance. But I do partner with Mentya, which will submit the superbills for you. Once you meet your deductible you could receive 60-80% back of the your session costs. You can check your coverage before you start on my pricing page.

Do you offer Telehealth?

Yes! I am happy to talk about telehealth and make sure it is the proper and safe modality for us to use to conduct our sessions. The boxing component can’t be utilized if engaging through telehealth.

Where do I park and how do I get to the office?

You can park on either side of the building. More details on the location and how to get to the office are on the Contact & Cost page under Cost and Logistics.

What platform do you use for Telehealth, Payments, and Reminders?

I use Therapy Notes. It is a trusted HIPAA compliant platform, which is also how I will send and store all intakes and documentation.

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